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It’s possible to set up an sms to your leads from leadbyte which notified them of who will be in contact and what number they’ll be using.
To do this you’ll need to ensure your buyers profile is properly filled out first including their phone number
After this create an sms responder that can look somewhat like this
Hi [firstname], thanks for submitting an ________. Based on your needs we've determined your ideal service provider is [buyername]. They will be in touch soon for a no obligation consultation, calling you on the following number [buyerphone]. Thank you, _______.

Ready to Grow Your Business?
Jos Aguiar is a father, entrepreneur and traveler. He’s been building brands and helping businesses grow since 2010. Since founding leadshunt in 2021 he’s been on a mission to help create a new standard of excellence within the industry combining expertise in traffic generation and education of clientele through our content and learning materials. His aim is to not merely sell you leads, but to leave you permanently better.